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AANA Journal


AANA Journal

AANA Journal

​The AANA Journal is the official scholarly journal of the American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology. Published bimonthly, the AANA Journal delivers practical clinical information that fosters the understanding of the science of anesthesia delivery and investigates ideas, issues, and innovations that advance the practice of nurse anesthesia. 

Policy for the Evaluation of Manuscripts Submitted by Individuals Involved in AANA Journal Editorial Decisions

AANA Journal editors who make decisions about manuscripts must recuse themselves from editorial decisions if they have conflicts of interest or relationships that pose potential conflicts related to an article under consideration. 

AANA Journal

Language: English
ISSN: 0094-6354
Scimago Journal Ranking (2013): 0,310
Hirsh Index: 32
Availability: 1999-present


AANA Publishing Inc.
