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List of Scopus Indexed Journals in Microbiology


List of Scopus Indexed Journals in Microbiology

List of Scopus Indexed Journals in Microbiology

436 Journals founded

Journal TitlePublisherE-ISSN
Comptes Rendus - BiologiesAcademie des Sciences17683238
PLoS BiologyPublic Library of Science15457885
Annales de Biologie CliniqueLibbey
Biocontrol ScienceSociety for Antibacterial and Antifungal Agents18840205
European Journal of ProtistologyElsevier16180429
Journal of Foraminiferal ResearchCushman Fondation for Foraminiferal Research
Krankenhaushygiene und InfektionsverhutungElsevier18764495
Doklady Biological SciencesPleiades Publishing16083105
European Journal of Soil BiologyElsevier
InfectionSpringer Nature14390973
Infection, Genetics and EvolutionElsevier15677257
Infection, Genetics and EvolutionElsevier15677257
Infectious Diseases in Clinical PracticeWolters Kluwer Health15369943
Soil Biology and BiochemistryElsevier
Advances in Biochemical Engineering/BiotechnologySpringer Nature16168542
Antonie van LeeuwenhoekSpringer Nature15729699
Applied Microbiology and BiotechnologySpringer Nature14320614
Asian Biotechnology and Development ReviewResearch and Information System
Fish and Shellfish ImmunologyElsevier10959947
Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo CruzFundacao Oswaldo Cruz16788060
Iranian Journal of Medical SciencesShiraz University of Medical Sciences17353688
Japanese Journal of Infectious DiseasesNational Institute of Infectious Diseases18842836
Biotechnology AdvancesElsevier18731899
Biotechnology and Applied BiochemistryWiley-Blackwell14708744
Biotechnology and BioengineeringWiley-Blackwell10970290
Biotechnology LettersSpringer Nature15736776
Biotecnologia AplicadaElfos Scientiae10272852
Critical Reviews in BiotechnologyTaylor & Francis15497801
Electronic Journal of BiotechnologyElsevier7173458
Enzyme and Microbial TechnologyElsevier18790909
ExtremophilesSpringer Nature14334909
Food BiotechnologyTaylor & Francis15324249
Pediatric Infectious Disease JournalWolters Kluwer Health15320987
Journal of Clinical MicrobiologyAmerican Society for Microbiology1098660X
Indian Journal of BiotechnologyNational Institute of Science Communication9750967
International Biodeterioration and BiodegradationElsevier
Journal of BiotechnologyElsevier18734863
Journal of Industrial Microbiology and BiotechnologySpringer Nature14765535
Journal of Microbiology and BiotechnologySpringer Nature17388872
Journal of NanobiotechnologySpringer Nature
Minerva BiotecnologicaEdizioni Minerva Medica1827160X
Molecular BiotechnologySpringer Nature15590305
Nature BiotechnologySpringer Nature15461696
Process BiochemistryElsevier
Reviews in Environmental Science and BiotechnologySpringer Nature15729826
Shengwu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of BiotechnologyScience Press18722075
World Journal of Microbiology and BiotechnologySpringer Nature15730972
Journal of Bioscience and BioengineeringElsevier13474421
Metabolic EngineeringElsevier10967184
Expert Review of Anti-Infective TherapyTaylor & Francis17448336
Expert Review of Anti-Infective TherapyTaylor & Francis17448336
Annals of MicrobiologySpringer Nature18692044
Applied Biochemistry and MicrobiologyPleiades Publishing16083024
Postepy Higieny i Medycyny DoswiadczalnejIndex Copernicus International17322693
Current Issues in Molecular BiologyCaister Academic Press14673045
Current Issues in Molecular BiologyCaister Academic Press14673045
EMBO JournalWiley-Blackwell14602075
Folia MicrobiologicaSpringer Nature18749356
Journal of Water and HealthIWA Publishing
Avian DiseasesAmerican Association of Avian Pathologists Inc.
Avian PathologyTaylor & Francis14653338
Reviews in Medical MicrobiologyWolters Kluwer Health14735601
Revista Iberoamericana de MicologiaAsociacion Espanola de Micologia21739188
Cellular MicrobiologyWiley-Blackwell14625822
Fungal Genetics and BiologyElsevier10960937
Microbial Cell FactoriesSpringer Nature
Microbial Drug ResistanceMary Ann Liebert19318448
Microbial Drug ResistanceMary Ann Liebert19318448
Acta Microbiologica et Immunologica HungaricaAkademiai Kiado15882640
Surgical InfectionsMary Ann Liebert15578674
Water S.A.Water Research Commission18167950
Antibiotiki i KhimioterapiyaMedia Sphera Publishing Group
Antibiotiki i KhimioterapiyaMedia Sphera Publishing Group
Advances in Applied MicrobiologyElsevier
Advances in Microbial PhysiologyElsevier
Annals of Clinical Microbiology and AntimicrobialsSpringer Nature
Annual Review of MicrobiologyAnnual Reviews Inc.15453251
Applied and Environmental MicrobiologyAmerican Society for Microbiology10985336
Archives of MicrobiologySpringer Nature1432072X
BMC MicrobiologySpringer Nature
BMC MicrobiologySpringer Nature
Canadian Journal of MicrobiologyNRC Research Press14803275
Canadian Journal of MicrobiologyNRC Research Press14803275
Clinical Microbiology NewsletterElsevier18734391
Clinical Microbiology ReviewsAmerican Society for Microbiology10986618
Clinical Microbiology ReviewsAmerican Society for Microbiology10986618
Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious DiseasesElsevier18781667
Critical Reviews in MicrobiologyTaylor & Francis15497828
Critical Reviews in MicrobiologyTaylor & Francis15497828
Current MicrobiologySpringer Nature14320991
Current MicrobiologySpringer Nature14320991
Current Opinion in MicrobiologyElsevier18790364
Current Opinion in MicrobiologyElsevier18790364
Current Topics in Microbiology and ImmunologySpringer Nature21969965
Current Topics in Microbiology and ImmunologySpringer Nature21969965
Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious DiseaseElsevier18790070
Environmental MicrobiologyWiley-Blackwell14622920
European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious DiseasesSpringer Nature14354373
FEMS Microbiology EcologyOxford University Press15746941
FEMS Microbiology EcologyOxford University Press15746941
FEMS Microbiology LettersOxford University Press15746968
FEMS Microbiology ReviewsOxford University Press15746976
FEMS Yeast ResearchOxford University Press15671364
FEMS Yeast ResearchOxford University Press15671364
Food MicrobiologyElsevier10959998
Geomicrobiology JournalTaylor & Francis15210529
Indian Journal of MicrobiologySpringer Nature9737715
Indian Journal of Pathology and MicrobiologyWolters Kluwer Health9745130
International Journal of Antimicrobial AgentsElsevier18727913
International Journal of Food MicrobiologyElsevier18793460
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary MicrobiologyMicrobiology Society14665034
International MicrobiologySpringer Nature16181905
International MicrobiologySpringer Nature16181905
MycopathologiaSpringer Nature15730832
MycopathologiaSpringer Nature15730832
Journal of Applied MicrobiologyWiley-Blackwell13652672
Journal of BacteriologyAmerican Society for Microbiology10985530
Journal of Basic MicrobiologyWiley-Blackwell15214028
Journal of Eukaryotic MicrobiologyWiley-Blackwell15507408
Emerging Infectious DiseasesCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)10806059
Journal of Medical MicrobiologyMicrobiology Society
Journal of Medical MicrobiologyMicrobiology Society
Journal of Microbiological MethodsElsevier18728359
Journal of Microbiological MethodsElsevier18728359
Journal of MicrobiologyHan-Gug Misaengmul Hag-hoe/The Microbiological Society of Korea19763794
Journal of MicrobiologyHan-Gug Misaengmul Hag-hoe/The Microbiological Society of Korea19763794
Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and InfectionElsevier19959133
Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and InfectionElsevier19959133
Journal of VirologyAmerican Society for Microbiology10985514
Klinicka Mikrobiologie a Infekcni LekarstviTrios s.r.o.
Letters in Applied MicrobiologyWiley-Blackwell1472765X
Methods in MicrobiologyElsevier
Methods in MicrobiologyElsevier
Microbes and InfectionElsevier1769714X
Microbiological ResearchElsevier16180623
MicrobiologyMicrobiological Society14652080
MicrobiologyPleiades Publishing16083237
MicrobiologyPleiades Publishing16083237
Microbiology and ImmunologyWiley-Blackwell13480421
Microbiology and Molecular Biology ReviewsAmerican Society for Microbiology10985557
Mikrobiyoloji BulteniAnkara Microbiology Society
Mikrobiyoloji BulteniAnkara Microbiology Society
Molecular MicrobiologyWiley-Blackwell13652958
Nature Reviews MicrobiologySpringer Nature17401534
Nature Reviews MicrobiologySpringer Nature17401534
New MicrobiologicaLuigi Ponzio e Figlio Editiori
Research in MicrobiologyElsevier17697123
Revista Argentina de MicrobiologiaElsevier
Revista Argentina de MicrobiologiaElsevier
Seibutsu-kogaku KaishiThe Society of Bioscience and Bioengineering Japan/Seibutsu Kogakkai
Journal of Food ProtectionInternational Association for Food Protection19449097
Journal of Food SafetyWiley-Blackwell17454565
Vector-Borne and Zoonotic DiseasesMary Ann Liebert15577759
Vojenske Zdravotnicke ListyVojenska Lekarska Akademie
Systematic and Applied MicrobiologyElsevier16180984
Systematic and Applied MicrobiologyElsevier16180984
Trends in MicrobiologyElsevier18784380
Trends in MicrobiologyElsevier18784380
Veterinary MicrobiologyElsevier18732542
Zhurnal Mikrobiologii Epidemiologii i ImmunobiologiiIzdatel'stvo S-Info
Zhurnal Mikrobiologii Epidemiologii i ImmunobiologiiIzdatel'stvo S-Info
Medical Microbiology and ImmunologySpringer Nature14321831
Archiv fur LebensmittelhygieneVerlag M Und H Schaper
Chinese Journal of Microbiology and ImmunologyBeijing Shengwu Zhipin Yanjiusuo
Brazilian Journal of Infectious DiseasesElsevier16784391
Clinical Infectious DiseasesOxford University Press15376591
Enfermedades Infecciosas y MicrobiologiaObsidiana Editores
Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiologia ClinicaElsevier15781852
Infection and ImmunityAmerican Society for Microbiology10985522
Infection Control and Hospital EpidemiologyCambridge University Press15596834
Infectious Disease Clinics of North AmericaElsevier15579824
Infezioni in MedicinaUniversita degli Studi di Napoli
International Journal of Infectious DiseasesElsevier18783511
International Journal of Medical MicrobiologyElsevier16180607
International Journal of Medical MicrobiologyElsevier16180607
Journal of Antimicrobial ChemotherapyOxford University Press14602091
Journal of Hospital InfectionElsevier15322939
Journal of InfectionElsevier15322742
Microbial PathogenesisElsevier10961208
Journal of Infection and ChemotherapyElsevier14377780
Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina TropicalSociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical16789849
Mathematical BiosciencesElsevier
Mathematical Medicine and BiologyOxford University Press
BiofoulingTaylor & Francis10292454
Sexually Transmitted DiseasesWolters Kluwer Health15374521
Mycotoxin ResearchSpringer Nature18671632
BiodegradationSpringer Nature15729729
British Journal of Biomedical ScienceTaylor & Francis
British Journal of Biomedical ScienceTaylor & Francis
Journal of the American Society of Brewing ChemistsAmerican Society of Brewing Chemists
Journal of Clinical Laboratory AnalysisWiley-Blackwell10982825
Clinical Microbiology and InfectionElsevier14690691
Journal of Theoretical BiologyElsevier10958541
Turk hijiyen ve deneysel biyoloji dergisi. Turkish bulletin of hygiene and experimental biologyNational Public Health Institution of Turkey13082523
Acta Microbiologica BulgaricaBulgarska Akademiia Na Naukite
Revista Espanola de QuimioterapiaSociedad Española de Quimioterapia
Biology and Fertility of SoilsSpringer Nature14320789
Infektoloski GlasnikKlinika za infektivne bolesti Dr. Fran Mihaljevic
International Dairy JournalElsevier
Epidemiologie, Mikrobiologie, ImunologieNakladatelske Stredisko CLSJE Purkyne
Acta Microbiologica HellenicaGreek Society Of Microbiology
Journal of Insect Biotechnology and SericologyJapanese Society of Sericultural Science
Mikrobiolohichnyi ZhurnalZabolotny Institute of Microbiology and Virology of NAS of Ukraine26169258
Mikrobiolohichnyi ZhurnalZabolotny Institute of Microbiology and Virology of NAS of Ukraine26169258
Polish Journal of MicrobiologyPolskie Towarzystwo Mikrobiologow/Polish Society of Microbiologists
Polish Journal of MicrobiologyPolskie Towarzystwo Mikrobiologow/Polish Society of Microbiologists
Polish Journal of MicrobiologyPolskie Towarzystwo Mikrobiologow/Polish Society of Microbiologists
Applied Biochemistry and BiotechnologySpringer Nature
Foodborne Pathogens and DiseaseMary Ann Liebert15567125
Foodborne Pathogens and DiseaseMary Ann Liebert15567125
Biotechnology and Bioprocess EngineeringKorean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological SciencesThe Royal Society
International Journal of Medicinal MushroomsBegell House
Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental BiologyScience Press
Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical MicrobiologyHindawi19181493
Brazilian Journal of MicrobiologySpringer Nature
Chinese Journal of EndemiologyHarbin yi ke da xue
Journal of Bacteriology and VirologyThe Korean Society for Mocrobiology / The Korean Society of Virology
Chinese Journal of Infection and ChemotherapyZhongguo kang gan ran hua liao za zhi bian ji bu
PLoS PathogensPublic Library of Science15537374
International Journal of Biological SciencesIvyspring International Publisher
Infectious Disorders - Drug TargetsBentham
Molecular Systems BiologyWiley-Blackwell
Turkish Journal of BiologyScientific and Technical research Council of Turkey - TUBITAK/Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknik Arastirma Kurumu
Food BiophysicsSpringer Nature15571866
Biotechnology JournalWiley-Blackwell18607314
Zoonoses and Public HealthWiley-Blackwell18632378
Cell Host and MicrobeElsevier
Microbiology TodaySociety for General Microbiology
ISME JournalSpringer Nature17517370
Future MicrobiologyFuture Medicine Ltd.17460921
Future MicrobiologyFuture Medicine Ltd.17460921
Fungal Biology ReviewsElsevier
Korean Journal of MicrobiologyHanguk Misaengmul Hakhoe
Taiwanese Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Food ScienceChinese Agricultural Chemical Society
Transboundary and Emerging DiseasesWiley-Blackwell18651682
Computational and Mathematical Methods in MedicineHindawi17486718
Recent Patents on BiotechnologyBentham22124012
Journal of Pure and Applied MicrobiologyJournal of Pure and Applied Microbiology2581690X
Journal of Pure and Applied MicrobiologyJournal of Pure and Applied Microbiology2581690X
Biotechnology for BiofuelsSpringer Nature17546834
Food Science and BiotechnologyKorean Society of Food Science and Technology20926456
Current Protocols in MicrobiologyWiley-Blackwell19348533
Innate ImmunitySAGE17534267
International Journal of Probiotics and PrebioticsNew Century Health Publishers
Research Journal of BiotechnologyResearch Journal Biotechnology22784535
Food Analytical MethodsSpringer Nature1936976X
Journal of Infection in Developing CountriesOpen Learning on Enteric Pathogens20366590
Molecular Genetics, Microbiology and VirologyPleiades Publishing1934841X
DMM Disease Models and MechanismsThe Company of Biologists Ltd.17548411
Probiotics and Antimicrobial ProteinsSpringer Nature18671314
Acta MicroscopicaCommittee of Societies for Electron Microscopy (CIASEM)
Current Cardiovascular Imaging ReportsSpringer Nature19419074
Molecular Oral MicrobiologyWiley-Blackwell20411014
Molecular Oral MicrobiologyWiley-Blackwell20411014
Ticks and Tick-borne DiseasesElsevier18779603
VitaeUniversidad de Antioquia21452660
Iranian Journal of Basic Medical SciencesUniversity of Medical Sciences20083874
Avicenna Journal of Medical BiotechnologyAvicenna Research Institute20084625
Klimik DergisiAVES Ibrahim Kara13091484
Chinese Journal of BiologicalsWei Sheng Bu, Changchun Sheng Wu Zhi Pin Yan Jiu Suo
Journal of Tropical MedicineHindawi16879694
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Infectious DiseasesHindawi16877098
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Infectious DiseasesHindawi16877098
Jundishapur Journal of MicrobiologyKowsar Publishing Company20084161
Jundishapur Journal of MicrobiologyKowsar Publishing Company20084161
Microbial BiotechnologyWiley-Blackwell17517915
Gut MicrobesTaylor & Francis19490984
Gut MicrobesTaylor & Francis19490984
VirulenceTaylor & Francis21505608
VirulenceTaylor & Francis21505608
Iranian Journal of MicrobiologyTehran University of Medical Sciences20084447
Iranian Journal of MicrobiologyTehran University of Medical Sciences20084447
BrewingScienceFachverlag Hans Carl16132041
Health and TechnologySpringer Nature21907196
Clinical and Experimental NeuroimmunologyWiley-Blackwell
mBioAmerican Society for Microbiology21507511
MycologyTaylor & Francis21501211
Beneficial microbesWageningen Academic Publishers18762891
Beneficial microbesWageningen Academic Publishers18762891
Open Microbiology JournalBentham
Korean Journal of Food Science and TechnologyTong Kwahak Hoe
Journal of Visualized ExperimentsMYJoVE Corporation
Malaysian Journal of MicrobiologyMalaysian Society for Microbiology22317538
International Journal of MicrobiologyHindawi16879198
International Journal of MicrobiologyHindawi16879198
Gut PathogensSpringer Nature
MycobiologyKorean Society of Mycology20929323
Biocatalysis and Agricultural BiotechnologyElsevier
AMB ExpressSpringer Nature21910855
Emirates Journal of Food and AgricultureUnited Arab Emirates University20790538
Pathogens and Global HealthTaylor & Francis20477732
Journal of Oral MicrobiologyTaylor & Francis
Medical Mycology Case ReportsElsevier
Autoimmune DiseasesHindawi20900430
Human gene therapy methodsMary Ann Liebert19466544
Frontiers in MicrobiologyFrontiers Media S.A.
Frontiers in MicrobiologyFrontiers Media S.A.
Archives of Razi InstituteRazi Vaccine and Serum Research Institute20089872
BioMed Research InternationalHindawi23146141
Emerging Microbes and InfectionsSpringer Nature
Pathogens and DiseaseOxford University Press
Pathogens and DiseaseOxford University Press
eLifeeLife Sciences Publications
Journal of Environmental Health Science and EngineeringSpringer Nature
Journal of Global Antimicrobial ResistanceElsevier22137173
Journal of Global Antimicrobial ResistanceElsevier22137173
Frontiers in Cellular and Infection MicrobiologyFrontiers Media S.A.
Frontiers in Cellular and Infection MicrobiologyFrontiers Media S.A.
Frontiers in Bioscience - ScholarFrontiers in Bioscience19450524
F1000ResearchTaylor & Francis20461402
International Journal of MycobacteriologyWolters Kluwer Health2212554X
GERMSEuropean Academy of HIV/AIDS and Infectious Diseases
GERMSEuropean Academy of HIV/AIDS and Infectious Diseases
Food StructureElsevier
Food Packaging and Shelf LifeElsevier
Archives of Clinical Infectious DiseasesShahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences23452641
Archives of Clinical Infectious DiseasesShahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences23452641
BiologyMultidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)20797737
InfectioAsociacion Colombiana de Infectologia
KarsteniaFinnish Mycological Society
Biotechnology ReportsElsevier2215017X
PathogensMultidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)20760817
PathogensMultidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)20760817
New Microbes and New InfectionsElsevier20522975
Current Opinion in Food ScienceElsevier
Open Life SciencesWalter de Gruyter23915412
EcoSal PlusAmerican Society for Microbiology23246200
MicrobiomeSpringer Nature20492618
MicrobiomeSpringer Nature20492618
Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection ControlSpringer Nature20472994
Microbiology spectrumAmerican Society for Microbiology21650497
Microbiology spectrumAmerican Society for Microbiology21650497
Microbial Risk AnalysisElsevier23523522
Journal of Clinical Tuberculosis and Other Mycobacterial DiseasesElsevier24055794
Infectious DiseasesTaylor & Francis23744243
Infectious DiseasesTaylor & Francis23744243
Clinical Epidemiology and Global HealthElsevier22133984
Microbiology and Biotechnology LettersKorean Society for Microbiolog and Biotechnology22347305
Microbiology and Biotechnology LettersKorean Society for Microbiolog and Biotechnology22347305
Infectious Diseases and TherapySpringer Nature21936382
AntibioticsMultidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)20796382
AntibioticsMultidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)20796382
Nature MicrobiologySpringer Nature20585276
Nature MicrobiologySpringer Nature20585276
Nature MicrobiologySpringer Nature20585276
Tropical ParasitologyWolters Kluwer Health22297758
Human Microbiome JournalElsevier
Oxford Medical Case ReportsOxford University Press20538855
BioengineeredTaylor & Francis21655987
Virus EvolutionOxford University Press20571577
Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food SciencesFaculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences, Slovak University of Agriculture13385178
Current Research in Environmental and Applied MycologyBeijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Institute of Plant and Environment Protection22292225
Chinese Journal of Pharmaceutical BiotechnologyChina Pharmaceutical University
Medical mycology journalJapanese Society for Medical Mycology18820476
Synthetic and Systems BiotechnologyKeAi Communications Co2405805X
ProtistologyProtozoological Society Affiliated With The Russian Academy Of Sciences16800826
Applied Food BiotechnologyNational Nutrition and Food Technology Research Institute24234214
Birkhauser Advances in Infectious DiseasesSpringer Nature25043838
mSphereAmerican Society for Microbiology23795042
mSystemsAmerican Society for Microbiology23795077
npj Biofilms and MicrobiomesSpringer Nature20555008
npj Biofilms and MicrobiomesSpringer Nature20555008
Microbiology AustraliaCSIRO Publishing22019189
Microbiology AustraliaCSIRO Publishing22019189
Microbiology AustraliaCSIRO Publishing22019189
Bioscience of Microbiota, Food and HealthBMFH Press21863342
Bioscience of Microbiota, Food and HealthBMFH Press21863342
Microbial genomicsMicrobiology Society
BiotekhnologiyaState Research Institute for Genetics and Selection of Industrial Microorganisms25002341
Microbiology Resource AnnouncementsAmerican Society for Microbiology2576098X
Journal of FungiMultidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)2309608X
Vaccine: XElsevier
Journal of Biotechnology: XElsevier
FoodsMultidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)23048158
Current Medical MycologyMazandaran University of Medical Sciences24233420
EFSA JournalWiley-Blackwell18314732
International Journal of Neonatal ScreeningMultidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)2409515X
Current Clinical Microbiology ReportsSpringer Nature21965471
Lecture Notes in BioengineeringSpringer Nature21952728
Microbial CellShared Science Publishers OG23112638
Microbial CellShared Science Publishers OG23112638
AIMS MicrobiologyAIMS Press24711888
AIMS MicrobiologyAIMS Press24711888
Journal of Microbiology and Biology EducationAmerican Society for Microbiology19357885
Environmental MicrobiomesSpringer Nature25246372
Environmental MicrobiomesSpringer Nature25246372
Problemy Osobo Opasnykh InfektsiiRussian Research Anti-Plague Institute2658719X
Problemy Osobo Opasnykh InfektsiiRussian Research Anti-Plague Institute2658719X
Journal of Tropical PathologyBrazilian Society of Parasitology19808178
Tropical Medicine and Infectious DiseaseMultidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)24146366
JAMMIUniversity of Toronto Press23710888
Gates Open ResearchTaylor & Francis25724754
MicroorganismsMultidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)20762607
MicroorganismsMultidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)20762607
Fungal Biology and BiotechnologySpringer Nature20543085
Phytopathogenic MollicutesTechnology Society of Basic and Applied Sciences22494677
Mediterranean Journal of Infection, Microbes and AntimicrobialsGalenos Yayincilik2147673X
Mediterranean Journal of Infection, Microbes and AntimicrobialsGalenos Yayincilik2147673X
Journal of Cellular BiotechnologyIOS Press23523697
Revista BionaturaCentro de Biotecnologia y Biomedicina, Clinical Biotec. Universidad Catolica del Oriente (UCO), Univesidad Yachay Tech13909355
Cell SurfaceElsevier24682330
Cell SurfaceElsevier24682330
Mexican Journal of BiotechnologyUniversidad Autonoma de Tlaxcala24486590
Journal of Applied and Natural ScienceApplied and Natural Science Foundation22315209
Pathogens and ImmunityCase Western Reserve University24692964
Clinical PathologySAGE2632010X
Current Research in Food ScienceElsevier26659271
Italian Journal of MycologyUniversity of Bologna25317342
Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Experimental TherapeuticsBangladesh Society for Microbiology, Immunology and Advanced Biotechnology26164760
Iranian Journal of Medical MicrobiologyFarname Inc.23454342
Iranian Journal of Medical MicrobiologyFarname Inc.23454342
Biosafety and HealthElsevier25900536
Current Oral Health ReportsSpringer Nature21963002
Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Advances in the Clinical LabElsevier2667145X
International Journal of BiomedicineInternational Medical Research and Development Corporation21580529
Grand Challenges in Biology and BiotechnologySpringer Nature
Journal of Biological ControlInformatics Publishing Limited22307281
Microbial PhysiologyKarger26731673
Microbial PhysiologyKarger26731673
Current Research in ToxicologyElsevier2666027X
Chinese Journal of Clinical Infectious DiseasesChinese Medical Association
Journal of Tropical Biodiversity and BiotechnologyUniversitas Gadjah Mada, Faculty of Biology25409581
