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Springer Publishing

Springer Publishing

Springer Publishing
Springer Publishing

About Springer

Springer, part of Springer Nature since 2015, is a global publishing company that publishes books, e-books and peer-reviewed journals in science, technical and medical (STM) publishing.  Springer also hosts a number of scientific databases, including SpringerLink, Springer Protocols, and SpringerImages. Book publications include major reference works, textbooks, monographs and book series; more than 168,000 titles are available as e-books in 24 subject collections. Springer has major offices in Berlin, Heidelberg, Dordrecht, and New York City.

On 15 January 2015, Holtzbrinck Publishing Group / Nature Publishing Group and Springer Science+Business Media announced a merger. The transaction was concluded in May 2015 and a new joint venture company, Springer Nature, was formed, with Holtzbrinck having the majority 53% share and BC Partners retaining 47% interest in the company.

History of the publishing house

Julius Springer
Julius Springer
In 1842 Julius Springer founded a bookstore in Berlin, from which the publisher of Julius Springer developed within a short time. Springer supported the demands of the Vormarz with political brochures and leaflets, which often brought him conflicts with the Prussian censorship. In addition to these writings, he published more and more youth books, schoolbooks, material and technical books, fiction, as well as scientific works. After selling the bookstore in 1858, Springer devoted himself exclusively to the publishing business. His sons and grandchildren increasingly turned to science and technology and gave the publishing house a real treat. Julius Springer the Younger, in particular, built the technology and his cousin Ferdinand Springer junior, the medicine. The publishing house remained family-owned for more than 150 years. As the last family member, Konrad Ferdinand Springer, great-grandson of the founder Julius Springer, worked in the publishing house. The publishing company is the figure of the jumper from the chess game. Chess literature belonged to the publishing program for many years.
